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Halimah Oyelade
How A Career Development Coach Made N4.1M+ In Her First Digital Launch.

How A Manufacturing Entrepreneur Made 7+ Figures in Her First Digital Product Launch.

MARYMAGDALENE is a pioneering expert in soilless snail farming with over a decade of hands-on experience.
Despite her deep expertise and innovative farming methods, she struggled to sell her program even at a low price point of N10,000.
She had all this knowledge about soilless snail farming that could help people create sustainable income but couldn’t even sell her soilless snail farming program at N10,000
She knew her expertise was valuable, but she didn’t know how to convince others of that value.
She wanted to share her knowledge and help others succeed in snail farming while being properly compensated for her expertise.
Despite having valuable knowledge and a working program, Magdalene was:
How A Career Development Coach Made N4.1M+ In Her First Digital Launch.
How A Manufacturing Entrepreneur Made 7+ Figures in Her First Digital Product Launch.