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You are about to discover how you can launch a high ticket program that makes anywhere between $20k to $70k a month within the next 90 days…
whether you have a high ticket program or not.
Before I share exactly how you can achieve this…
Let’s talk about why you’re not getting these results at the moment.
Now chances are that…
If you are watching this…
Then you are either
1. A coach who has or is looking to launch a high ticket program
2. A professional or Subject Matter Expert who wants to monetize their knowledge profitably through high ticket programs.
3. A business owner who wants to scale your business and you know it’s by having a back end premium offer AKA high ticket offer.
Now if any of these sounds like you…
then pay close attention to what you are about to learn.
There are usually 3 reasons why coaches and professionals or biz owners like you struggle to make $20k - $70k monthly from your program.
It’s usually because:
- You don’t have a clear process for creating and/or launching a premium irresistible high ticket offer successfully or
- You don’t have a technical know-how or experience required to launch one. Or
- You get overwhelmed with everything and even when you attempt it? It’s done poorly
Does that sound correct? I bet it does.
Now i want you to imagine…
Being able to have and launch a high ticket program that makes you anywhere between $20k to $70k per month…
in the next 90 days?
Imagine what all that money could do for you? And more importantly what that would mean for you and your business.
Let me ask you…
What impact would an extra $20,000 or $70,000 every month do for your business?
- Maybe it would allow you feel validated that your program and service is valuable.
- Maybe it would help you scale your business. And give you more time to focus on the things you love… like family…travelling
- Or maybe it’s just the peace of mind of knowing you have a business that’s highly profitable and most importantly… consistent.
Now when we say $20k to $70k per month?
We mean it. Take a look at ……
Busayo Balogun
Scrum Master- Project management coach.
When she reached out to us…this was her first time ever launching a high ticket program…
And majority of her audience were even in 3rd world countries.
And do you want to know how much her first ever launch did?
$21,205 within the first launch!
No prior experience… To a market whose average earning capacity was not up to $500/mo.
Yet she did over $20k in her first month and has done that averagely since then.
Not only her…
But also… Tricia Biz
Now even though Tricia is a marketing expert… She came to us and asked us to handle her funnels…
Because that area isn’t her expertise…
At the end of the first phase of working together… we had generated $101,115 for her…
Now she has gone over to generate over $500k
Unlike Tricia,
Kiki Okewale: who is in the fashion industry had no tech skills… NEVER launched a digital product before…
Within 1yr of working with us she had done over $30,000 in sales, With a medium ticket offer to fashion designers.
We could go on and on and on… But I will stop here.
Now before i show you just how we plan to help you… Just incase you are wondering who we are…
We are an all things marketing automation agency that focuses mainly on working with and helping Coaches and Course creators create and successfully launch premium high ticket offers.
We’ve worked with over 50 coaches like you and generated and over $1000,000 in revenue for them.
We’ve worked with notable names in the coaching industry you probably know like:
1. Tracy Diamonds
2. Shante R. Roddy
3. Dr. Louisa Akaiso
4. Sir Clyde Rivers
5. Sola Adesakin
6. Yetunde Bankole Bernard
7. Temi Ajibewa
... to mention but few.
That right there is our founder who has over 15x years experience in building funnels and website…
Now let’s talk about what working together would mean for you.
By collaborating together… You’d:
1. Have a proven irresistible high ticket offer your market would gladly pay for.
2. Generate more revenue
3. Never spend a minute worrying about the marketing or technicalities of your business.
4. Go to bed with the assurance your business is constantly generating profit even in your absence.
5. Predictably scale your business
Now for us to achieve this, here’s the process I’ll take you through:
Phase 1: Onboarding
- Here we would get on a call and know more about you… your market and industry.
Phase II: Offer Creation
- Everything begins with your offer
- We would validate or create your premium high ticket offer.
- Understand your market and how to fill gaps
Phase III: Funnel Setup
- Next we would set up your funnel flow.
- What would turn total strangers that don’t know you…
- Into High paying customers automatically
- This include all the copies, landing pages designs and automation
Phase IV: Lead Generation
- Now in this phase we would set up and turn on your lead generation process to get the attention of your ideal audience and nurture them.
Phase V: Conversion
- This is where we convert this audience into premium paying clients.
And that’s it in a nutshell.
Now… From the way I see it…
You have two options:
1. Do nothing…or continue doing what you are doing… and keep Struggling…feeling stressed…about your income stagnating…
And also continue being confused about not knowing how to hit your income goals. With no hope of achieving your set goal at the right time.
This doesn’t feel good does it?
Especially when you now know there’s an easier faster and risk free option for you to… Make as much as $20k-$70k/mo within the next 90 days selling your high ticket program…or we would pay you.
And for that to be your case too all you need to do is….
Just simply click the link somewhere on this page…
Fill a form…. Someone on my team would cross check your response to be sure we can help you…
Then we would schedule you for a call…
- where we would further dive into the specifics of your business and see how we can help.
There’s no obligation whatsoever to work with us. At the very least you walk away with insightful piece of counsel to help your business.
So all you need to do is:
- click the link…
- Answer a couple of questions truthfully…
- And someone on the team will reach out to you to confirm your information
Then we would get on a zoom call where we would see how we can help you launch or scale your high ticket program to $20k - $70k/mo.
Click on the link now!